Uptown Funk music video
Uptown Funk music video recreation
Prior to summer break, we were tasked with recreating the first minute and 30 seconds of Bruno Mars’
‘Uptown Funk’ music video, which was a challenging feat. Initially, we were very unsure of how we were going to act it out and who we were going to have act in certain parts, but after watching the parts we have to recreate several times over, it became much easier to envision the outcome.
‘Uptown Funk’ music video:
Our Recreation
Filming the footage was not too difficult, as we ensured we matched up the angles and the camera shots, although continuity was a difficulty with dress code, but we successfully filmed a partially-finished version of it.
We used various filming equipment, including the shoulder mount and a handheld camera. Carrying the shoulder mount proved difficult, particularly because of how heavy the equipment was with the camera on it, but also how intense it was trying to walk backwards and not hit anything (which did happen to me). This made me realise that I not only would require more experience with the shoulder mount, but also that if I were to use it for my music video in the future, it would most definitely be a challenge. Similarly, constantly cutting from the various shots in the music video was also a difficult feat, as we had to film a few seconds before cutting, and then shooting from a different angle, which was demanding. Overall, the outcome was decent, as the lip syncing was somewhat accurate to the original, but I think it would’ve been better had we been a bit more prepared and given more time to work on this project, as it was done with haste.
The whole experience was very insightful, and allowed me to further understand the many challenges and difficulties with shooting music videos, particularly with lining up the lip synching to the actual music itself.
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