Auteurs research - Paul Thomas Anderson & Spike Jonze

Music directors research  

Paul Thomas Anderson & Spike Jonze 

Paul Thomas Anderson:

  • He was involved in filmmaking from a young age. He started making films on a Betamax video camera. His key influences were standard fare. 

  • Was involved with the Sundance Program 

  • Made Mockumentaries 

  • Sydney (Hard Eight) - first movie

  • Boogie Nights - with Mark Wahlberg — was his breakout film

Spike Jonze: 

  • Began with street filming videos

  • Video days 

  • Co-founded skateboard companies, that enhanced his career and, thereafter, was in demand for music videos.

    • He wrote screenplays for the successful film, Where the Wild Things Are.

  • Collaborated with R.E.M, Fatboy Slim, Daft Punk, Kanye West, etc. 

 Artist's work

Spike Jonze

Paul Anderson 


Visual styles :

    - Camera techniques

    - Editing

    - Treatment of the performer

    - Narrative

    - Tone/mood

    - Mise-en-scene

    - Themes


Paul Anderson (conventional):

  • dim/soft tones 

  • Medium close-ups

  • artists are usually upfront and always the main view of the camera

Spike Jonze: 

  • (Long) tracking shots

  • Medium shots/long shots 

  • Action-paced 

  • Quick/short-paced cuts 

  • Exciting/exhilarating tone 

  • Light colours/tones 

  • Long sequences — 1 min + 45 seconds for one music video  


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